Brand New and Lasts Forever

By Dan Brockway

I was at a conference a few years ago where I heard a program manager speak about "the next" simulation system that would take care of all the problems of the current simulation systems and save the future from having to ever do this again. I've heard this same speech dozens of times in my career. 

Everyone wants a simulation system that is Brand New and Lasts Forever. (This should be the title of my next ebook.)

We all want the latest features and cutting-edge technology, but we also want our simulation investments to last through the current project and hopefully to address most, if not all, of the requirements of the next project with minimal upgrade cost and effort. 

The challenge, of course, is that the world is complex, the technology is ever-evolving, and the desire is for all the fidelity of the real world. The requirement, however, is for just enough fidelity to meet the budget and training or experimentation requirements of today.

So, can we have a system that is Brand New and Lasts Forever? MAK ONE has largely, for several generations of technology over multiple decades, proven that we can. The keys to this success are the design of the framework, the attention to customer requirements, and the constant investment in integrating new technologies. 

Connect with us to learn how our latest release of MAK ONE can help you deliver success. 

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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