Iteration Enables Quality

By Dan Brockway

I have spent most of my career working to make better and better virtual worlds to create increasingly realistic immersive simulation environments. One concept I’ve learned, over and over again, is that Iteration Creates Quality. 

This is true when creating Terrain Databases that describe the virtual world and all the manmade and natural objects within it. Terrain database generation has historically been a long and tedious process. If it takes many hours or days to see the results of design decisions, then there is little time for iteration. But when terrain techniques can be implemented quickly and the results seen in seconds or minutes, then the terrain designers can experiment with techniques and measure the results in an effort to create a world with maximum realism with minimum performance impact on the running simulation.  

I’m particularly proud of MAK ONE simulation products VR-Engage,  VR-ForcesandVR-Vantage for the way they let the user choose a terrain strategy that works best for them, including the Procedural/Streaming Terrain techniques that enable users to rapidly iterate to create a virtual world.

The mantra ‘Iteration Creates Quality’ also applies when creating behavioral scenarios that define the activity of simulated entities. The quicker and more interactive scenario authoring tools are, the more time users have to create rich and compelling simulations. VR-Forces has proven this with its 2D/3D graphical user interface, large library of simulation content, and the many techniques for creating tasks, plans and advanced AI scripts.

Iteration Enables Quality — Always strive to make tools easier to use and faster for users to see results.

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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