What's up MAK: Letter from the CEO, Bill Cole

Friends, Customers, Partners,

Just over four years ago, I switched from using simulation software as a Soldier to leading MAK Technologies, one of the industry’s longest-running commercial providers of simulation tools and capabilities. I am continually energized by MAK’s momentum toward innovating, improving, and serving our customers!

You'll find a link to our quarterly newsletter, What's Up MAK, below but first, here are a few key themes and trends I’ve observed during my time at MAK so far. 

  1. There is an increased desire for multi-domain simulation.
    For more than 30 years, MAK ONE has been the simulation platform of choice by governments and system integrators around the world. While simulating across warfare domains historically wasn’t a major point of interest among our customers, we’re now seeing the desire to understand what’s happening in other domains of simulated environments: naval customers care about what’s happening in the air and on the shoreline; customers building ground simulations want to know what’s going on in the air and sea, as well as in space. This is where MAK ONE shines. It’s one of the only simulation platforms that does true multi-domain whole Earth modeling.  And because MAK ONE is designed to be modular and extensible, customers are beginning to experiment with integrating cyber effects into the kinetic domains.

    In addition to providing COTS software to system integrators, MAK’s new Training Solutions division was created with the idea of bringing multi-domain solutions to end-users. Specifically, to develop and support training systems for any US or foreign military service in air, land, and sea domains and integrate them all together. Our MAK ONE Ground Warfare Demonstration video shows how we linked our MAK FIRES Call for Fire training system, developed by our Training Solutions team, to larger ground exercises and air operations.

    We’re also seeing this trend toward multi-domain simulation as we work with the National Guard, which wants its training systems to tie ground and air elements together seamlessly for better soldier training. MAK ONE is uniquely positioned to bring its vision to life.

  2. Customers are striving for the best of both worlds.
    Customers are never satisfied with the simulation capabilities of today – they are constantly pushing the boundaries. Recently we’ve seen interest in combining the benefits of aggregate-level simulation with the detailed interactions of individuals and vehicles at the entity level. Read how we’re supporting these forward-leaning customers into the realm of Multi-Resolution Modeling with MAK ONE.

  3. Standards are here to stay.
    We pride ourselves on our MAK ONE simulation tools that are built to adhere to commercial standards from the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), including IEEE standards used by our government customers. Because of this, customers have choices and can mix and match the technology they use. After more than 30 years, MAK is still committed to commercial standards. Read the articles on our blog to understand MAK’s leadership and participation in key standards activities, as well as how the evolution of different standards is woven into our product line.

MAK has always been here to support our customers and bring their training and simulation visions to life. I’d also like to quickly highlight how MAK is committed to supporting our community, most recently through our Dogs For Vets fundraising campaign to provide two highly trained service dogs to veterans in need. I hope you’ll join us to give back to a community that has given so much to us!

Enjoy this roll-up of MAK’s Q1 activity to date and stay tuned for more!

Best Regards, 

Bill Cole
CEO and President, MAK Technologies

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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